
293 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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amazing job on this

great job, varied instruments were great, bass was fucking sweet

some of those synths were crazy

i agree def. your best track yet

great job using the inferno guitar

sweet job on this dude, cant wait till you come back

peace out


Box-Killa responds:

hehe bass was awesome "D thx man peace out

damn i want a 10 from you lol

oh my god

this shit is fucking scary

but then it starts to get a little upbeat sorta

i like those flutes in the background that pop up ever once in a while

jesus god you use alot of VST's

you stuff gets more and more intricate every time i hear it

hopfully youll be as big as like EnV one of these days

damn well im on the run now as well, dinner

peace out man

great track, its so varied, i love those string sweeps!

blackattackbitch responds:

Sometimes I wonder if I use too many instruments for it to sound like a real orchestra. Oh well, if it sounds good, it sounds good hahaha

This was one of my more intricate pieces, I actually wrote something different for damn near every line, especially on the buildups. With the exception of the main theme sections maybe one or two other sections, there's not much repeating/looping going on throughout the song, I'm glad to say.

I figured that the upbeat twist would be a surprise from the opening, and give it a more warlike feeling.

Enjoy your dinner man, I know I enjoyed mine, and thanks for the review!

its good

did you use a midi file for this???

captures the feel very well

im not familiar with the original, or any FF songs really

god its really haunting in some parts

i dont ubderstand that FUCKIUNG NAME THOUGH!!!!!

its good, but i prefer original works from ppl

Box-Killa responds:

... maybe :D yeah the name is wierd.. but it's cool! Yeah original... when i cbf lol.

thanx for the reviiebw

nice nice

quite funky, snare sounds pretty basic though

cool arp you got goin there

lol i just looked at the name, and it def. suites the track pretty well

omg this shit just gets crazy, and alot the synths your using would generaly sound like junk but you def. make the weird stuff sound really cool

this def. has an experimental feel to it, much like your best stuff does

9/10 cuz uts realy cool but not mind blowing

great job on this

srry for late reply, i dont really use NG much anymore

Box-Killa responds:

Aww, i'm become more and more newgrounds centric lol. Thanks for the review, and the 9/10. yeah that arp was awsome. I know about the snare, should have changed it lol. :D thanks for the review peacout :D


not perfect but pretty great

i like the flute towards the end the best, but yeah

im not really a fan of ambient tracks so, i dont really know what sounds tip top amazing, but as far as songs go in general, this was pretty great

i do think some of the synths you used were a tad cheezy sounding, idk, mabye you were goin for that but yeah

lol you just learned how to get more plugins lololol, good job on that, im sure youl have fun finding a bunch of them, and god damn there are alot of plugins for like anything youl ever need...

Box-Killa responds:

haha yeah i am the awsomist noob ever!!

good job man

one of your best peices

great chill factor, sweet ambience to it

unlike alot of ambient tracks, the drums dont kill it., there really fitting

you did great keeping the synths varied and all that, using diferent leads too

wow this had a great improv to it

OMG those drums when they speed up...lthats why i give 10, i was gona do 9 but not since those were so great

this was amazing man, great job

Box-Killa responds:

hehe thankxx for teh review :D

thx for shoutout

hmm..did you add to the intro, cuz it seems to last longer b4 the upbeat parts, longer than the WIP

well if you did or did not it doesnt really matter, since this whole track is pretty epic

ill try to leave off on where the last song ended

dude that drumroll at 2:22 was really cool

has quite few pretty long uhh...chill parts i guess they would be called, mabye a bit too much, idk, its still god, but mabye your just a hair off of perfect balance

oh my god....that part right b4 3:30, well just a great build to this amazing epicness

unfortunatly i am on the run and cant listen much more, i am off to band practice

well dont my good friend, i await your next peice


peace out dude


blackattackbitch responds:

Yeah, I didn't realize how long that chill part was until I rendered it. The tempo changes made it hard to tell, and I was laughing inside when I realized that the whole second half was mostly chill and no action hahaha

Believe it or not, I didn't expand the beginning at all. I actually left it exactly the same as it was, I just put a bit of EQ work in there.

It's weird, that part at 2:22 is by far my most random entry into this whole song. I was thinking "hmm, there's a set of drums I've never used, maybe I'll use them here and see what they sound like." And that's how my most favorite part of this song came to be ;-)

And that build before 3:30 almost ended up complete trash, believe it or not. I knew I wanted to do the most epic build up I could, but it actually started out as just the string staccatos and the bass roll. Then I added french horns to the end. Then a double bass tremolo, which you probably can't hear (cuz I sure can't really pick it out, all I know is that the section is severely lacking without it.) Then I tweaked the staccatos to rise as the BD rises. All it is really is a tremolo, a bunch of staccatos, a BD roll, and a french horn. Pretty simple actually.

Thanks for the review man, and I don't know if I told you, but I added you to my RSS feed!

its alright

ive seen better from you, but its pretty short, mabye youl work on it a tad more?

ide say work on precussive elements a bit more, theres not much goin on in it

the intro and reall alot of the song is kinda flat feeling, end there is quite a bit of silence in the intro, ide say add some strings, and some reveerb and delay to the piano

melody is nice as most of yours is, pretty original and progresses nicely but the other elements of amazing songs is missing

if you do go back and work on it, let me know when you poast again

peace out man


ShinyArmor responds:

yup, i'll work on it.
i know what you mean . . . i need background which i was gonna get to later.
i'm too lazy when it comes to f studio, i think i'm gonna be working on flash now. . .
its because i know how to use it, i wanna try it out

pretty good

pretty mice stuff, i might just say that you should experiment with multiple leads in different parts of the track, or even layer different leads to try and make a really original sound for you

pretty good though

SNARE EFECT= my guess is you eq'ed the bass end a little higher, added blood overdrive, pumped up the amp gain, then turned the knob under that(cant remember name) counterclock-wise, in order to keep the distort sounds, but lower thier punch, or mabye you eq'ed it with a spike in the wave, hard to explain what i mean by that but yeah it makes sounds like kicks actualy have more defined notes to them

i didnt get tolisten to the whole track, but i didnt hear anything refering to pirates, so unless you DID do that, mabye throw in like sounds of the ocean, or swords clashing, or some fuckhead going AARRGGHGGHH, you know, but i only made it to like halfway till the buff just stopped...

kicks are alright, not much punch behind them, but thats not always needed

the intro, there is like squeeky feedback noises drifting in and out , im guesin you increased the feedback on one ofthe effects like phaser, or flanger, pretty cool technique, ive done it with claps b4, makes shits sound interesting, if you didnt do that, how did you get the squeeks???

overall your improving, just like any audio artist should if they actually put themselves to it, which you are...hopefully

peace to the fuck to the out to the my friend, until to the next to the time


Box-Killa responds:

Im not going to tell you my secrets lol. Thanks for the review, yeah now i gota make something even better!

Peace out :D


umm wow, your a really good and pretty original artist, but the eq aspects of this song, im sorry there just bad, mabye its my speakers, but mine are pretty good ones, plus they werent even up high and there was rattling from the bass

thats the issue im getting at, the bass end of the whole track, its just, way too up there

yeah please lower your bass end b4 this is placed in an album, its just way too overpoering

other than that, its very chill, would be very nice, but your bass is crazy, too crazy

JonZero responds:

yeah, that's why I did a teaser lol. when I made this it was when I still was using the demo of FL Studio so I never got to save the project file but I'll recreate this piece some other time. Thanks for the tips.

<insert hilarious comment here>

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