so yeah
it sounded better without drums, it could sounds really good with drums, but the drums just sound random it this
so yeah
it sounded better without drums, it could sounds really good with drums, but the drums just sound random it this
i liked the wood block. but if drums here are bad then so be it
i clicked on the ska section and i kinda laffed when you had 6 songs on the top, your like the only guy on ng who makes ska
this really reminds me of i voted for kodos, you should check their old stuff, b4 they genre changed to fucking pop
Ugh, I just don't understand why Ska bands seem to do that! Goldfinger is another great example of an awesome Ska band turned LAAAAME. I'll definitely check out Kodos, thanks for the lead!
i like it
its still very clearly the distant song, but it does sound alot better
omg wow it soudns like you fixed up the lead synth a little bit, sounds alot more defined
Yea I know ^^. And thanks!
very nice
this is judt a personal thing to me, but i hate it arps becuase i feel like its not me making the music, so i just never use them, and i thinks its good your arp wasnt a whole song sorta thing
sounded really good though
you told me you made your own arp though???how do you even do that, i think i might gives arps their last chance for redemption
Yea, I didn't use any arp feature in Nexus, I made it myself in Piano Roll. And thanks for the review!! I, too, personally hate the arp features, cause then exactly like you said, if feels like its not you making the song. Yep, I created it from scratch ^^
when i heard the first like 2 seconds i was like, this is alot like dj-nate, then i read your description and it made me lawl
lawl :P
FINALY(how the hell do you spell that)
somone made some decnet hip hop on ng, everyone else sux supreme ass on here
this was really really good though
just checking, you rapped this correct, this isnt like, some mp3 of some rapper weve all never heard of?
Cheers man!
This is a song my mate did for his music assingment, came out pretty good so we're going to make more.
what the hell, this is wierd...funny, but wierd
Wierd is always Funny... unless its furrys... or holy Rape... or Talking Veggies and white people
we dont talk to the Veggies... we eat them come on!
i like it
if you havnt already, you should enter this into a halloween contest, i know DJ-HLS and a few other ppl are holding one(i only know cuz i made a song for it)
this is really good, what synth did you use, for the main melody?
Myself and Sonik used 3xOsc and beepmap synths for the main melodies.
Hey I didn't think entering the contest to tell you the truth... :P it could be interesting... :D Thanks for the review!
this reminds me of
this reminds me of harvest moon, like big time
this is really good, idk what to do with it, the other guy said more agressive, which is bogus, this is so calming, plus this is def. a more video game style song, which ive never done before, i do trance/techno, so im not going to be much help in this
i do disagree with everyone on the drumtrack, just becuase is reminds me of harvest moon, and plus this isnt like a boss battle theme so you dont need radical drums going off
if anything, i would say, just make it longer, seriously this song needs like...nothing..sorry i couldnt be of any use as far as ideas go..
..hmm towards the end, there is this little gameboy bleep thing, sounds pretty much like the lead, just make another sequence with alot more of that...there you go, i found my
aaanyways, great song
thanks.. by tomorrow there will be a newer version.... or the day after
<insert hilarious comment here>
Age 32, Male
Mt. Zion, Illinois
Joined on 9/28/08