
430 Audio Reviews

293 w/ Responses

thx for shoutout

hmm..did you add to the intro, cuz it seems to last longer b4 the upbeat parts, longer than the WIP

well if you did or did not it doesnt really matter, since this whole track is pretty epic

ill try to leave off on where the last song ended

dude that drumroll at 2:22 was really cool

has quite few pretty long uhh...chill parts i guess they would be called, mabye a bit too much, idk, its still god, but mabye your just a hair off of perfect balance

oh my god....that part right b4 3:30, well just a great build to this amazing epicness

unfortunatly i am on the run and cant listen much more, i am off to band practice

well dont my good friend, i await your next peice


peace out dude


blackattackbitch responds:

Yeah, I didn't realize how long that chill part was until I rendered it. The tempo changes made it hard to tell, and I was laughing inside when I realized that the whole second half was mostly chill and no action hahaha

Believe it or not, I didn't expand the beginning at all. I actually left it exactly the same as it was, I just put a bit of EQ work in there.

It's weird, that part at 2:22 is by far my most random entry into this whole song. I was thinking "hmm, there's a set of drums I've never used, maybe I'll use them here and see what they sound like." And that's how my most favorite part of this song came to be ;-)

And that build before 3:30 almost ended up complete trash, believe it or not. I knew I wanted to do the most epic build up I could, but it actually started out as just the string staccatos and the bass roll. Then I added french horns to the end. Then a double bass tremolo, which you probably can't hear (cuz I sure can't really pick it out, all I know is that the section is severely lacking without it.) Then I tweaked the staccatos to rise as the BD rises. All it is really is a tremolo, a bunch of staccatos, a BD roll, and a french horn. Pretty simple actually.

Thanks for the review man, and I don't know if I told you, but I added you to my RSS feed!

its alright

ive seen better from you, but its pretty short, mabye youl work on it a tad more?

ide say work on precussive elements a bit more, theres not much goin on in it

the intro and reall alot of the song is kinda flat feeling, end there is quite a bit of silence in the intro, ide say add some strings, and some reveerb and delay to the piano

melody is nice as most of yours is, pretty original and progresses nicely but the other elements of amazing songs is missing

if you do go back and work on it, let me know when you poast again

peace out man


ShinyArmor responds:

yup, i'll work on it.
i know what you mean . . . i need background which i was gonna get to later.
i'm too lazy when it comes to f studio, i think i'm gonna be working on flash now. . .
its because i know how to use it, i wanna try it out

pretty good

pretty mice stuff, i might just say that you should experiment with multiple leads in different parts of the track, or even layer different leads to try and make a really original sound for you

pretty good though

SNARE EFECT= my guess is you eq'ed the bass end a little higher, added blood overdrive, pumped up the amp gain, then turned the knob under that(cant remember name) counterclock-wise, in order to keep the distort sounds, but lower thier punch, or mabye you eq'ed it with a spike in the wave, hard to explain what i mean by that but yeah it makes sounds like kicks actualy have more defined notes to them

i didnt get tolisten to the whole track, but i didnt hear anything refering to pirates, so unless you DID do that, mabye throw in like sounds of the ocean, or swords clashing, or some fuckhead going AARRGGHGGHH, you know, but i only made it to like halfway till the buff just stopped...

kicks are alright, not much punch behind them, but thats not always needed

the intro, there is like squeeky feedback noises drifting in and out , im guesin you increased the feedback on one ofthe effects like phaser, or flanger, pretty cool technique, ive done it with claps b4, makes shits sound interesting, if you didnt do that, how did you get the squeeks???

overall your improving, just like any audio artist should if they actually put themselves to it, which you are...hopefully

peace to the fuck to the out to the my friend, until to the next to the time


Box-Killa responds:

Im not going to tell you my secrets lol. Thanks for the review, yeah now i gota make something even better!

Peace out :D


umm wow, your a really good and pretty original artist, but the eq aspects of this song, im sorry there just bad, mabye its my speakers, but mine are pretty good ones, plus they werent even up high and there was rattling from the bass

thats the issue im getting at, the bass end of the whole track, its just, way too up there

yeah please lower your bass end b4 this is placed in an album, its just way too overpoering

other than that, its very chill, would be very nice, but your bass is crazy, too crazy

JonZero responds:

yeah, that's why I did a teaser lol. when I made this it was when I still was using the demo of FL Studio so I never got to save the project file but I'll recreate this piece some other time. Thanks for the tips.


your synths are all nice, very demonic ambient sounding, ut im not diggin the drum loop in the slightest, its pretty much that same standard dnb loop that i hear in 50% of all dnb tracks

i am really liking the ambience of this, although there doesnt seem to be anything holding the ambience and the drums together, they seem to not fit together well enough at all

mabye try adding in some "harder" sounding synths here and there that work well with the darkness, so that they all tie in together with everything else

pretty cool concept, nice title to, but those are the issues that i see with the track

loops perfectly though xD

peace out, keep at the music and like the oether guy said, experiment man, test your vst's, test your limit, test your creativity

peace out




almost awesome

hey i have an alternate account that i use specifically for Hardstyle so eah ill tell you about that later

kicks are not good to me, just because jumpstyle kicks arent to great to me

melody is real cool, nice synth over it, where did you get that synth???

i would try to keep your hardstyle trakcs from here on out in the dance genre, since people associate the melbourne shuffle with the genre

prety good, you should finish it up

also, mastering on a few things is kinda loud, like the lead, but overall, prettty nice, for a 7 second loop that is


peace out

Namegoeshere responds:

Thanks, I use the Pro-53 VST demo, its free btw. I thought the drums were sexy though, probably the samples I have lol.

wow first??

pretty good, do you have music making experince elsewhere?

kinda slow dnb, but still nice and quick

kinda repetitive with not alot goin on

nice gamboy sounding synth, helps with the repetitiveness, but still, you got quite a ways to go, as do i, as do we all

peace out, pretty good track, youl get real good fast if this is your first attempt

Namegoeshere responds:

Thanks, I've been making music for like a year now, this is just my first submission to NG.

i give to you

the knowledge of a pretty good free piano VST plugin

MDA piano, just look in google, and youll find much better quality pianos than FL Keys(which are god-awful)

wait...holy shit, your shiney armor, your like one my oldest friend on NG...xD

holy god when this speeds up dude, its fucking amazing, you have incredible piano skills, like holy jesus wtf, dude you gotta get a vst, with some nice strings, so you can have one beast-mode of an epic track, cuz even with bad quality stuff, this is still really good man

great job, i was wondering when you were gona start submitting stuff again

peace out man, good job on this

ShinyArmor responds:

yeah i know, i have had SO much in my school going on well i needed time, and yeah i'm back


oh i didnt know this was a build on your revolution song

personally i dont like the X in the title, just cause X's are way overused in the music world, and i know your one creative beast

actually i think im gona FINALLY get those soundfront now my pc is better(while i still can)

those horns at 2:30, i dont recall those ever b4, but there kinda intricate, i like them alot

dude i love the slowed down part after that, with the pianos, its so relaxing after all this epicness, ends pretty suddenly though, does that mean im in for more building on this piece???

as always, make sure to pm me when you build on this, or any other track really, i love listening to your stuff, since your like the only classical artist i listen to ever xD

peace out my friend


blackattackbitch responds:

Yeah, after awhile, I just couldn't resist the song, it kept calling me haha

Wow, everyone hates my song titles as of late. Someone else left me a comment about a different song title earlier lol XD

Believe it or not, those soundfonts were what helped me when my computer was in the crapper. I use those to pretty much avoid using way too much CPU and freezing my comp during composition (it's happened too many times to count)

The horns at 2:30 were the soundfonts Papelmedia Trumpet and Papelmedia Trombone sent to a mixer track with a delay vst on it, so that it sounded like a brass section playing instead of that undescernable brass sound that normally plays.

I had a pretty difficult time ending this piece. It felt like it was continuing on and on, and, honestly, I'm pretty horrible at slow endings.

Don't worry, I'll be sure to let you know when I upload new tracks, and don't hesitate to send me links either. BTW, I was waiting in anticipation of that new sons of the exodus, glad to see that you finished it! I'll be checking that out, along with a whole list of overdue requests tomorrow morning (I would do it tonight, but I just pulled a 12 hour shift at my job and I need some sleep hahaha).

pretty good

more like ambient but im not a douche like that one guy

it is hard to say your better than me at a genre ive never tried b4 lol

very experimental sounding

i like your drums they sound very jazzy, free form and stuff

great work on the guitar, really great

overall, really fresh and new track, i call it freeform jazz-trance-ambient fusion(subgenres are so lame xD)

i give 5 as well

peace out man, keep at it, i like this style

Box-Killa responds:

Yeah i couldn't really put this into a specific genre myself lol. Thanks for inventing one for me lol! freeform jazz-trance-ambient fusion. Cooool. Il'll have to make more like this. Yeah i really like the oceanish feel this song has, And the cool guitar solos.

Thanks for the killa review & score man peace out!

<insert hilarious comment here>

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