
430 Audio Reviews

293 w/ Responses

-Review Request Club-

i like the bells lead, it has an odd uniquemess to it, for a bell

lol wow lost of windows sounds, ive seen how this program works, but it looks ungodly hard to pull off

lol omg this is just great cuz every time a new sound comes in im like, agh where the hell have i heard that xD

this whole song is realy cool dude, i give anyone who can do this kind of programming mad props

that includes you

peace out dude, i really have no clue how to give any critisism, ive never heard anything quite like this b4...


Step responds:

Lol, thanks :). Yeah, the bells lead is the ding effect of Windows 2000. It honestly sounds just like a high bell, and it's the first Windows sound effect I've ever managed to make a chord out of.

The song sounds hard to do, but it actually isn't. The hardest part is finding all the different sound effects from the Internet. Then, you play on the keyboard (at least you can with FL Studio) testing the sound effect, until you come up with a good melody, you add it to the piano roll, and add some alternate melodies playing in the background. The drums can then be done in a second ^^.

Still, thanks heaps for the review, :D.

agh how did you do that

cool prgraming, nothing crazy though

except for the effect :03, it sounds like a kick drum being slowed down and pitch shifted up at the same time...i think

how did you do that, ive been trying to figure it out, i could use dblue glitch to pull it off, but then stuff gets a little too complicated

you think you could explain to me how you do that in general terms that would make sense to somone who doesnt use renoise


poopr1221 responds:

It all depends on what you use. In FL, you can create an automation clip for the "Channel Pitch" knob, and then make a gradual curve down. Just make sure that when the sample is done playing, to bring the pitch sharply back up to 50% or else it will stay pitched down low for the rest of the song. In Renoise it's way easier of course, which is why I do it so much.

And I know it's nothing crazy. Wasn't meant to be....yet =P


nice chord progression dude..

oh...you didnt write this...dammit xD

agh i just beat FF9 as well..and i know ive heard this fucking music from somwhere...WHICH SCENE IS IT!!!!!

i actually preferred the graphics in 9, they were simply more crisp, better looking, but thats to be expected, they had better technology when they were making it

agh god i absolutly love the story in that game, truely well thought out

well anyways, from what i remember this doesnt differ very much at all from the original, but w/e still nice

i like the panning piano

omg it loops flawlessly

i think that instrument at 3:11 sounds weird when it does its portemento, and when i say weird, i dont really mean in a good way.. :(

i like it, but i srsly gotta finish my essay paper so im gona stop rambling and gtfo

peace out dude



Box-Killa responds:

Thanks man, essays suck hey. You in yr 12?

piano solo

piano solo was good but triad piano solos are pretty basic and really take no skill to pull them off, although the other parts of the solo were nice, and the second half sounded much nicer than the first part, untill the triads came back in

i dont mind triads, but they were a bit overused in this

everything else was nice though

i agree with the other guy about the dry FX, but most of it wasnt that bad, you didnt deserve a 3
i do dissagree with him about the piano, i think the volume is fine

overall its pretty good

peace out

-Review Request Club-

really nice slant on the pirate voice

i actually think i prefer it towards the generic pirate voices alot of people have been making lately

i actually know nothing about voice acting, but i can say that they voices were all recorded nicely, good reverb, althought im not sure where there would be such fresh reverb on a pirate ship...

i guess its good that both of the voices sound like different people, alot of VA's really have no range

agh im rambling, so ima stop reviewing

peace out/great job


Coop responds:

Thank you very much - it was something that I came up with around the water cooler in the office and I just ran with it.

Check out the extended version, which would have been the competition piece, but was a little too long, so had to be viciously cut down to size.


dude nice drum loop, did you make that yourself or did you slice up a premade loop?

nice pads and stuff

i dont really like the saw bass, it stabs into the mix too much, kills the ambience

cool arp after that though

its missing a climactic moment, but w/e 4 hours of work is really fast so ill let it slide for now

pretty good though, i do think the drums get a bit random at parts, but that happens, especialyl to me, when i glitch my drums xD

peace out


Box-Killa responds:

Noo!!! The last time I used a sliced loop was like the 3rd song I ever made. All made by me lol :D I actually made this song strait after i listened to yours. It starts on the same not as yours, but then it goes a lot different :D. Damn that saw bass, it sounds so awesome but it also kills the ambience, but i suppose the drums also kill the ambience so its kinda not really ambience anyway lol.
yeah that arp is awesome. Its actualy just a lead and then I arpegiated one of the melodies from the piano.

Yeah lol Drums get ttotaly random !o

Peace, thanks for duh ruvuuuueewww!!

i love it

voted 5 dude, you deserve it

it so original, all the instruments, at first it feels overwhelming, but it just so goo you get used to it

omg im just speechless man

so much crazyness

peace out


nice dude

dude those drums are great

the whole track is pretty bassy though, mabye its just my headphones

thats actualy somthing i have a real hard time doing, making pianos bassey without them clipping

really great song dude, too bad you are the real composer :(

but you did put a great spin on it, im gona go download the ROM for majora's ,mask and find this track

peace out


Box-Killa responds:

Oh thanks for the review, i read it eaerlier but totaly forgot to respond. Meh cool thanks for the 10. Im making a 1 min song for song contest! :D Yeah just use edirol ochestra piano, it kicks ass

pretty good

thats right...did you get that from kingdom hearts??? i played that game alot as a kid, and when i just heard that, i had a kingdom hearts flashback

one of the best parts of the song are the reversed kick drums that come in every so often, i really suck at making reversed kicks sound good, so i give you props on that

the mastering sounds kinda wierd througout the whole song though, but since i really suck at mastering i have no clue exactly what it is that needs fixing

its all good other than that though, every single part

peace out dude


DeejayDeeZ responds:

The "thats right" sample is following with fl studio, I used it just for a little extra kind of thing.

Reversed kicks is actually really simple to make and I think it sounds pretty cool. So thanks ;D

Yeah, I agree with you on the mastering part, I didnt use alot of time on the mastering and I hear now that its a litte werid, but I dont think it's that big of a deal..

Yeah, thanks alot for your awesome review :D
- Deejay DeeZ


sweeping organ in the background...crazy awesome

i can not wait till this game comes out, are you the composer for all of the tunes in it?

this song does fit perfectly in with the theme of it

how do you make your tracks loops so damn well, your honestly the best person at looping ive ever heard, im not really sure if thats a great compliment, but its somthing xD

great job with this man, probably my favorite track of yours, its looped on my like 10 times, it just doesnt get old

oh by the way, which vst/soundfront is that, for the organ???

blackattackbitch responds:

About the organ, it's an obscure one I found on sf2midi.com called Cathedral. When i found it, I couldn't believe it myself, because it was relatively good quality and it was the exact type of organ I had been seeking for quite some time.

Normally what I do with loops is I take the end of the loop and force it to build up (or down) to something that blends with the beginning well. This is always kinda tricky, but I had a lot of practice. (the first 33 songs I've ever made are actually loops, believe it or not.) Additionally, because of the type of reverb I use, there's a ton of latency in the track, which causes the mp3 version of the track to actually start at the final seconds of the end of the loop rather than the actual beginning of the loop, aided further by the fact that I always have the loop settings on FL set to "wrap remainder".

I actually am the composer for all the tunes in it. By the time I'm finished, there should be around 15-20 individual songs specifically for this game.

Thanks for checking this out, this happens to be my favorite track of all time as of right now. Which probably makes me the most self-absorbed asshole in all of music hahaha

Still, thanks for taking the time to check this out and write a review!

<insert hilarious comment here>

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