holy god
your really amazing, and the song sounds fine without a bass
what was your main synth when at 0:31?
beautiful song
keep it up
holy god
your really amazing, and the song sounds fine without a bass
what was your main synth when at 0:31?
beautiful song
keep it up
oh my god
those fucking strings, increase epicness sooo much, this is ungodly good
your kicking some serious ass dude keep it up, please dont ever this that writers block
Thanks man!!
ide call it ambient
ambient fits itt better
what did you use to make the voices???
very chill, yet scary song, i like it
theres a great royalty free sound site, I get the majority of the vocals from there and then put loads of audio effects on them
that chord progression is a carbon copy of 007, i dont think you intended for that, im just sayin, i like the bells, they just kinda, seem feedbackish,
it takes a bit long for anything new to kick in
plus there isnt really any defining moment
work on it, (change those chords), and you could have a bad ass song on your hands
I relized that 007 uses the same chord progession just this last thursday. My plan for this is to make it it into a 3 movment suite following the ABA format. In english, that means that it will have a second piece that it will transition into and the second piece will have a different chord progession, a variation of the theme (it appears several times in the first) and then there would be another piece like this one.
nice again
god you just keep popin out the epic ass beats, i wonder when youll finally hit your writers block.....
awesome song, ima check the full version now
thanks man!!
it is repetitive but still awesome
i love how you called it happy softcorem never heard of that b4, but it fits perfectly
glad you liked it :P I've never heard of Happy Softcore eighter, but since its softer than Happy Hardcore I presume its Happy Softcore or something xD well, thanks alot for the review and the "9" :)
ambient, not techno, but i dont mark ppl down for stuff like that
looking at it as an ambient song, its fuckin awesome, it has some wierd noises that kinda sound like falling water droplets, its just crazy overall
love it
<insert hilarious comment here>
Age 32, Male
Mt. Zion, Illinois
Joined on 9/28/08